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Layout works with the latest version of Blogger!


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Nida Rasheed said...

i like this one, could you send me the code?

Nida Rasheed said...


supergirlest said...

oohhhhh.... beautiful! can i get the code for this?

eph2810 said...
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Kristenanne said...

I would love this code...

... said...

i'd love to have this template. can you send me the code?

Blogger Templates said...

You can use the Get Template link to download the code, since I don't have your email address i'm unable to send you the code.

... said...
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... said...

thank tou!

Chris W. said...

I really like this one. I have downloaded the code, and it's work great!

I do have one question, though. Is there any way I can add my description under the title?

Blogger Templates said...

Hey Chris, i've updated the code you may download the new one

H.K. Anders said...

Hello, Aman.

Can you please tell me how to replace the image in the header?


edmund said...

I like this template, but it would be even better if it filled the screen, rather than leaving a wide empty gap on the right! Also, is it possible to change the colour of the text of the blog title and description, so that they show up more clearly against the background of the image?

Adam Black said...

mr. aman, nice one. using it -, however - right column, can change bg color ah?

Galilei said...

I am going to use your template as well, with some minor changes, for now. Thank you for having allowed us to use it.

Robert Sackett said...

may I please have the code for this layout? thanks!

Unknown said...

beautiful! i like this~!
gogogo download!

Claudia Pérez said...

i like this one, could you send me the code?

Deepa said...

Hi Aman,

This template is too kinda reflects what i truly feel about least at this moment. I have set this as my blog template..but i donno how to fit the sidebar and the main posts body to be visible within the window. the sidebar goes down to the end of the web page...also the header photo needs to be stretched as some part appears grey in my blog. Please Help!


tewexinha said...

i love this template could you send me the code?!?

Openfields said...

I love this template!
Thanks so much :-)

Sadaff said...

i love this.

Stijn said...

@ Twexinha: Just press Get Template, download, and unzip. Paste the code in your template and hit republish.

em said...
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bitkidoku said...

download link does not work :(

Estoked said...

I love it! Can I get the template?

Anonymous said...
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The Writer said...

I've used your template for my blog. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I am with many problems with the blog... Can you come to msn tomorrow please?

Katherine said...

Hey, Could you please send me the code for this blog template? I would love it!

Katherine said...
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Charles Liew said...

Hi there. I am not able to download using "Get Template". What should I do? :(

I love this one.

Rashi said...

i loved this template can u send me the code

c. etheriel said...

wonderful. simple and beatiful - perfect combination.

Boo's Mama said...

Hi, I'm using this one. Thanks, I love it.

appaloosa said...

This is truly lovely. Simple, but effective.

Very nice work.


aji nyoba nulis dikit... said...
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carina said...

can send me the code

Blogger Templates said...

I will need your email address if you would like me to send you the code, or if the Get Template link is not working now you could come back and try again later.

Elizabeth said...

I really like the simplicity of this one. Do you mind if I use your code as a starting point? I'd like to personalize it a bit more (use my own photo, for instance).

Blogger Templates said...

Sure, you can do whatever you like with the template.

Negra. said...

i like this one, could you send me the code?

L said...

hi, i love this template of your's but i have a problem. You see, i'm made everything you did to download and upload the picture at photobucket. But in my blog it always appears with logos of photobucket. I have tried everything but it always stays like this.

Please help me. and sorry for the troble.


Alice said...
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Alice said...

thank you for this template it is almost exactly what I was looking for with the exception of one thing, the background. Could you pleeease help me change it?


i thank you in advance for any help you or anyone else can offer

Mottel said...

I have this template and like it, but where do I change the html so that my blog description is visable in the header.

Luisa said...

Hi! I really love this template and would like to use it. I've been trying to get the code but I don't think the link is working. Could you please fix the link or email me the code? Thanks!

lubu said...

very nice template. Would you be so kind as to send me the code?
Thank you very much.

lubu said...

Sorry, I didn't mentioned my email:

millenis said...

Thanks for your tempalet bro.. I have weblog using your template, please visit and please give me a suggest to develop that.. and to all your members/fans :) how about if we exchange the link of our weblog? please drop your email to
And it is nice if we can make a friendships

Daniel said...

"Get Template" not working, but I'd love to have the template! :) It's gorgeous.

send to


Sarie said...

I can't use Get Template either, but I'd love to try this template out. Thanks!

Hollie said...

Can you send me the code?

g.e.e.k.e.r said...

I love this template. Could you please send me the code? Get Template doesn't work. My email add is Thanks a lot.

Andre said...

Hi can i have the blog template please? is the email
is there a need to go thru photobucket and all that? can i just paste whatever you've given me to blogger directly and it would be effective?

Mottel said...

Do you think you'd be able to make a Pure template -but with a spring/summer feel?

Princess said...

Thankyou. I have used your template in my blog. It is really nice. Thanks once again.

Miss M said...

I would really like to get this code... good work! Thanks!

mary said...

will you please send me this template?

Maddie said...

i followed your instructions but could not get the photo from photobucket to work. is there another way i can get my picture in there. This is the picture i would like to use My email is Thank you!

eline said...

Hi Aman, just downloaded that code and all that, thanks and i really like it. Anyway, question... the page tends to load with the whole template align to the left. how do i centralize that? u can visit my blog to see wat i mean.. err maybe u can leave a comment there tellin wat to change or email me at eline.lim@gmail thks!

Jo Lindim said...

can u send me the code?thanks

Diem Burden | Author said...

Hey this site is great! Thanks a lot. Have just changed my blog to this template and it has changed the whole feel of it. It was relatively simple to do too, considering I've only been blogging for 3 months now.

Is it possible to get rid of the huge blank column from the right hand side though, as it looks a bit of centre? Be great if I could centralise the whole blog.

Regards again, David

Carly said...

i would like the code for this please

Henry Marcos said...

Hi I am using this great template!

God Bless!

Polly said...

d the mighty, I believe the code is on the template.

Really peaceful scene...


Bri said...

i would love the code for this!

sarah said...

the template link won't work for me.

choulyin.tan said... new to this kind of thing, so i decided to find a template that wil be suitable for me, and i have decided tat this is the template for me, no more hopping around..anyways, can u pls help me look into the sidebar? as usual, my sidebar is all the way down there, my site, thanks alot!!!

Meghan said...

This template is awesome! Can you send me the code? I can't seem to get it.


Gracie said...

It catches my eyes right away. Could you please send me the code because the 'Get Template' link doesn't work. Thanks a bunch! gracie.everglobe[a]

mearybeary said...

hey can you send me the code. thanks

ama said...

i would love the code. it's perfect. thanks!

Dreamcatcher said...

could you send me the code? email address - thanks.

Dreamcatcher said...

how do i upload a zip file on to photobucket?

libréluna said...

hi, id love this template, can you send me the code?
greetings from Mexico

Stephanie said...

I love this too! Can I get the code?

Joel H. said...

hello love the template. Can I get the code for blogger beta thanks

Aparna said...

Hi Aman
I loved this template and used it too. I was wondering if there is a way to center it or get it to span the entire width of the browser window ?

Laura said...

Hi, is there a different code for Blogger beta, and if so, could you please send it to me? Thanks! :))

Alycelee said...

I am a novice computer person, but I love the simplicity of the blog. What I would like is the code and then replace the header art with something else. (assuming I can do that?)
Can I? and can you send me the code?

Laura said...

Sorry, I forgot my email isn't on my blog - the address is


Socialmente Limitado said...

Hi aman

I'm from Portugal and I'm using you're template for one year now.But I'm having a few problems with it, can you check it out and tell me what to do?



Rach J said...

I love this template!It is beautiful!Do you know how I could edit the text color of the description of the blog that would be placed over the main picture of the bench?I'm useless with html!Thanks!

Dolphin said...

Hi! I love this template, and I'm following every steps but somehow the picture doesn't appear in the header! Could you help me?
my e-mail is

onzamono said...

the best
nice work! ;)

Anonymous said...

hye,i'm following the step and it's cute to be my blog page but then how to insert the "fellow bloggers" and hot to make it as screen size coz now it's not fit the screen size it becomes smaller then screen size..plz help email me at
thank you very much and i do appreciate ur helpful.thanx again

janamichelle said...

hi can i get the code for this one.


Miss Pau said...

I've downloaded the template but can't get it right in Blogger. There's always a script error. Is this template not right for the new version of blogger? Thanks (

Just another Nancy Boy said...

any chance of the code for this? It's wicked!

Dépardieu said...

Nice template. I would appreciate if you could send me the code.


Anonymous said...

Hi. May I change the picture and mantain the code you wrote? Let me know. Bea

Unknown said...

thks. am using this template. :D

Anonymous said...

I can't get the code right, I've downloaded straight from the coding without changing my images yet (to see if I did anything wrong) and it gives me an error code. I really like this template!!! (

Sean Bernardino said...

I love the look of this template. However, when I insert this code in my edit HTML window, I get the entire template minus the nice picture in the Blog Title area. I'm new with templates, can you please help me with this.

Skinny Pig said...

how come i can't use it in my blog. It always say that there's an XML error.

Skinny Pig said...

This is the error message - Your template could not be parsed as it is not well-formed. Please make sure all XML elements are closed properly.
XML error message: The content of elements must consist of well-formed character data or markup.

Effe said...

Hi, i'd like to use this template! it's really wonderfull. Can you send me the code plsss?
thanks a lot

Joel said...

nice. could you send me the code for this too? thanks a million. (:

the Alabaster Princess said...

Can you please send me this code? I love this layout!!!

Becky Rasmussen said...

Please send me the code to your blog template, I would love to install it on my blog site.

Mottel said...

I've been using a modified version of those code for a while now, and would like to have it with a randomly changing banner (I of course have the images already)
How would I go about doing it?
My blog is
and my e-mail mordechai770 at hotmail dot com

Thank you

One Scrappy Gal said...

Love this template...may I have the code?

E-mail is lilyscrapz at yahoo dot com. Thanks. :)

The Johnsons said...

Can I get the code for this one? I really like especially it's almost that time of year. Thanks1

MG said...

hey im not able to download your template...could you send it to me?


Jaci said...

I really like this, is there anyway I could get the code?
Thank you!

Jaci said...

my email is

coro_ayu said...

i like this template, could i get the code? my email is

xiang2jian4 said...

can i have the code as well?

Swie Han said...

can I place the picture other than on photo bucket such on my own host? one more will I still have my widget if I change my template?
Thank You!

tammy said...

Hi, i had an error msg.(Your template could not be parsed as it is not well-formed. Please make sure all XML elements are closed properly.
XML error message: The content of elements must consist of well-formed character data or markup.)I'm new to this.

Could i have the code pls? love this template.

Meghan said...

I love it!

cata said...

please send me de code, i have hurry please!! I have to do a work for the university and I love your template, please,....

cata said...

Tiffany said...

Love your template. Will you please e-mail me the code?
tiffanycheney at hotmail dot com


Taylor said...

Wow, this is cool!
Can I get the code for it?

Poledra said...

I love it!

Could you please send me the code?

Thanks in advance :-))

Scarlet said...

ive had this template since a long time. ive tried adding fellow bloggers but cant seem to. how does one enable a blogroll?does this template does not support it?...i dont know how to do it..plz help

dave said...

Very artistic...I would like to have it in my blog right away

dave said...

Well I do whet you've told to...but it did not succeed. i've tried to revert it into classic but the result is very dissapointing. any suggestion buddy? please reply to dave dot cahyo at gmail dot com. thx

Climbabe said...

I really love this template! can you send the template to me pls. :) Thanks!

Lord Shalatar said...

It doesn't work... It appears: Your template could not be parsed as it is not well-formed. Please make sure all XML elements are closed properly.
XML error message: The content of elements must consist of well-formed character data or markup. what can i do? can you send me the code?

you find me at
Thank you

Becky said...

hello, Great designs!
I love this template. Could you send me the code?

Thanks for all of your hard work!

Anonymous said...

Liked this a lot.... but how do I put it up on my blog?
This is my mail >>

Plz do contact me about the detalis.


Bekah Parker said...

I love this one. Can you please send me the code. My email is Thanks!

Rachel said...

Pure - i realy like it!

Jessica said...

Wow this looks really good.
Can you please send me html please ! (: cheers

The Schooley's said...

Love this. Could you send me html code please? And is there any way to add a quote or anything in the header??

HappyGoLuckyLens said...

I would love to use this one can I have the code for it? thank you

Inspired said...

can I please get the code?

Unknown said...

When I try pasting this code and republishing I get the following error messages: Your template could not be parsed as it is not well-formed. Please make sure all XML elements are closed properly.
XML error message: The content of elements must consist of well-formed character data or markup.

Any suggestions?

Anonymous said...

Hey i like this template. Can usend me the code? It just doesnt work what i have downloaded. Tahnk you.

Kendall said...

i would love the code for this one

Forrest said...

I love it very much.It looks so beautiful.Thank you.....

Phoebe Caulfield said...

Hello. I love this template, it's perfect to set the mood for my blog. Could I please get the code? thank you

Anabela Figueiredo said...

i like this one, could you send me the code?

Together said...

i like it very much ..can send me the code?? tq

ㅆㅏㅈㅡㄹㅣㄴ said...

i like this alot. Can u send me the code?


Anonymous said...

Can I get the code for this?

Ahaxzh said...

由于格式错误,我们无法解析您的模板。请确保所有 XML 元素均已正确结束。
XML 错误信息:The content of elements must consist of well-formed character data or markup.

alexisandtravis said...

Hey i love this can i get the code

Swaroop said...

hey its nice...can i get the code.

Lara said...

i like this one can i get the code?

Ira said...

can i have the code for this one?
thanks :)

Dada said...

can i even get a copy?

Elisa s2 Marcco said...

hi, I wanna use your template.
its so beautiful!

Unknown said...

I would like to use this template. can i get your code?

Surya said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Surya said...

I downloaded this & uploaded in my blog, but the pic is not visible and it says "your image was linked incorrectly, please visit your account for the correct link". Pls tell me what should I do.

Torfinn said...

This on was nice... Could you send it to me please??

Crazy mamma said...

Could you send me the code, this is one of very few that I really like. Great job!

Emily G-P said...

love this one... code please?

Stacy D said...

Love this - could I please have the code? Thanks!!

shrina (: said...

lovelove ,
could you send me the code ?

Anonymous said...

woooow, love this one... beautiful!

Kim said...

I love this one. also, if you have one with a fall woods background - that is what I am looking for. would love the code - thanks :)

lanie said...

i like this very much. so simple :) pleas send me the code thank you! :)

penflame said...

hi there..i like to have the code for the header part..can u send me back? thanks in advance...

snowcat said...

i like this one, could you send me the code pls...thanks!!

Carly said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
kopiah lusuh said...

cool, i want this! pls send me the code

Tq very much

Mike said...

great template. could you please send me the code?

carley said...

nice layout... good work

Sylvia said...

nice. :) could you please send me the code? thanks.

Shereeluvs said...

how to do the header wif underline wif click on to the link.
can send me the code ?! plz

tricksterdante said...

hye there,
nice layout, good effort,
do please send me the code,

- ќāяĤōŴ - said...

Can i have the code for this ? Thanks =D

Belle said...

can i have this code? thank you

graceliao said...

Can I have the code for this one??because i love it!! Thanks!!

Collective (un)Conciousness said...

i really like this one. could you send me the code? Thank you :)

Janice Lim said...

could you send me the code?
its pretty!

TweetyBird said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
sera said...

is there any more interesting n fascinating templates?

Cia said...

I really like that, can you send me the code please and thank you! Happy new year.

Heather Seymour said...

Will you send me the code please? Thank you!

erinn madison said...

Would you be able to send me the html code for this? i love this layout!!

The Colbys... written by Erin said...

Love this! Can I get the code please? thanks!

lj said...

hello, can you please send me the code for 'pure'. thank you. -laura

Naomi said...

Nice! I really like this one, would you send me the code at:


Samantha said...

i really like this could you send me the code please.

Unknown said...

I love the serene simplicity. A++++

Ana said...

I really love this one~~
please send me the code..^__^

Stuti said...

Hey, can I get the code too please?

tayer said...


dwey said...

hi there, i love this template, pls send me the code :)
thanks a bunch!

- said...

Very catchy template, pls send the code

Tsina said...

I'll use this. Let me know if I couldn't so I could take it off. Thanks a bunch. :D

chpmnk_cheeks said...

would you please send me the code?
This looks amazing and I have no idea how to make the "Get Template" download working on my blog.

Vampstar Confessional. said...

Can you send me the code please?

Just Like Rivkie said...

I love this blog template. Do you mind sending?


JennyLiew said...

can i got the code ?

Blogger Templates said...

Hi Aku,
Please click in the Get Template link to download the code. If you would like me to email it to you please drop me an email.

natalierenee said...

send me the code please! i work at a coffee shop. ill get you coffee. haha!

natalierenee said...

send me the code please! i work at a coffee shop. ill get you coffee. haha!

Catherine said...

beautiful. may i get the code for this please?

thank you!

Divi-Daresavio said...

i luv it.... can yu please send the code?

Hakim said...

i like dis one..
could u send me the code please ...?

didi said...

It's really beautiful,thanks

starr (: said...

hei, I love this!
can I have the code please?

paktam said...

can i get this theme code?

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