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Template works with the latest version of Blogger!


Sapphire said...


atiza said...

thanks for sharing..feel free to browse my blog once it's up..

cheers mate!

Ajit Chouhan said...

Hey g8 work buddy

Lady D said...

I love this one. My only problem is that my sidebar is all the way at the bottom. How can I fix this?
Help me please.

J said...

i have the same problem as a couple of sidebar is at the bottom. can you help me fix it??

யாத்ரீகன் said...

thatz a lovely idea.. i'm waiting to get it..
hey.. i couldnt find the zip file for the template source :-(

please mail it to me to

Liz said...

This is absolutely brilliant! My blog is going to be the prettiest!

Frank Partisan said...

Great work.

So said...

This is the coolest I've seen! Thanks for letting me use it!



Meira{FB} said...

This template is so me! I just love it! It's perfect!

You are just so talented! I love how easy it was to load this template. Your really a blessing to us newbies.

Very proud to have your link to on my blog!

Nadia said...

hey thanks for the template,but id like to change the header couler and move it down ,pls help someone.

blissful COW said...

This so sooooooooooooo cool! Thanks!!!

FreedomGirl said...

I got this one and it looks great. I changed the colors of the header lettering, I thought it was more easily read that way. I have a problem, though....even before I changed the colors....there seems to be a gap between the header and doesn't look as smooth as yours. A little help?
No hurry.

And thanks! Your designs are awesome!

Penelope Glamour said...

Buen diseño!

Katuska said...

Thanks for the beautiful Template. I've been using it for a couple of months now and everyone says it's sooo pretty!Thanks again,

Banno said...

Aman, I really like your templates, and would like to use them on my blog. The problem is that when I click on Get Template, the files download on my comp as a zip file, and the images are fine, but the text file doesn't give me the template script, only the layout.

I'm using a Mac OSX, and Mozilla Firefox or Safari.

What's the problem, you think?


gint said...
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gemilangs said...

awesome template!

Ang said...

thanks sooo much!!! I luuurv it!

Meita Win said...

thanks alots!!! My blog looks cool now :)

Samantha_K said...

Also having the sidebar issue. Is there a quick fix? If I delete the end blogger tag above the beginning of the sidebar, it goes where it's supposed to, but messes up my posts? Any help appreciated! Thanks in advance. Samantha_K,

Stacey said...

You can fix the sidebar issue by increasing the size of the sidebar. find where sidebar is defined:
#sidebar and then you'll see a width declared. increase this number to make it wider (i.e. width:200px;)

Queen Karana said...

Love this template. Made a few changes - the color and font of the title, and moved the "link back", but this is fantastic. Thanks for sharing it with us!

Anonymous said...
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jillie said...

I am having the same problem as batul with the mac only I have the iBookG4 and when I upload it, it's a zip file and I can't bring it up on photo bucket. I am fairly...ok...VERY ignorant on all of this since I had someone else set up my blog and I want to change it now. Thanks for any help or input.

Apoorva Chandra said...

it's not working...there's a problem with the code perhaps

Nomadas-Tribe said...

yes, its all deep pink, not colours...

mary loves florian said...

this is really neat. :]
i really do like it alot, & i tried to set it as my template, but the thing said it couldn't accept my html.
can you help me out?

Anonymous said...

it says the html cannot be accepted..whats it talking about??

Zoomy said...

I'm having the same issue Batul is--Mac OSX and no script. I'd really love to use this template, though.


CMO said...

I love this template, but I'm having some trouble. The side panels, with the blue and green swirls, are sitting within the header panel (with the pink and yellow swirls) as opposed to just outside. So they're covering up part of the header panel, and the actual text of the blog and the about me section is half on the pink background, half on the blue and green side panels. Help!

tash said...

i've been using your template (tweaked a tiny bit as you can see) for 10 months now and i love it.

i just wanted to say thank you properly aman. love your work.


Entertainment_Junkie said...

i love this one!! thank you so much, love your work!

Miss Halfway said...

i love your templates!! they are amazing!!

but this one in particular is... hmmm... happy:S hehehe i love it=)=)=)

vs said...

Maybe I'm a tad dumb...

I'd like to make some changes with this template... I want to remove the 'previous posts' segment... and change the font colour of the title to black and remove the little description that comes under it...

Is that possible? Thanks so much!!

Eruwen Fuin said...

could you plesase tell me if there was a specific site or something you used to find those splash things. Since I absolutely adore those (and the template, naturally).
ty for all the time and effert you put into this one, ty

gina. said...

thanks for the template .. :)

Mia said...

I used your template too. Hope you don't mind. It's just that it looks great. I have some minor difficulties too. Like the smaller heading is really!!! small and I couldn't get the top pattern anyhow and I didn't find a place for the small icon, but the last part really doesn't matter. Could you check my blog out and at least give a wild guess about what's wrong?


Jan Friis said...

Hi Everyone!

How do you make the left side of the website?

my web; - i cant make it!

Please help! :-)


yass said...

thank u but i couldnt use header one..

Taz said...

really disappointing as i am not able to load it in my page. :(
sigh. sob. wail

puhleese help me!!

im doin everything that u said and still i get an error
Please correct the error below, and submit your template again.
Your template could not be parsed as it is not well-formed. Please make sure all XML elements are closed properly.
XML error message: The content of elements must consist of well-formed character data or markup.

what do i do :(
please help!

i am in love with this template i need it on my page...
pleas help!!!

Effervescence MM'7 said...

nice 1..!!!

Estelle said...

Hi...I really love this template of yours but i do get the same problem " Please correct the error below, and submit your template again.
Your template could not be parsed as it is not well-formed. Please make sure all XML elements are closed properly.
XML error message: The content of elements must consist of well-formed character data or markup."

Please advise me please!!!

Gypsy said...

Hi this is a really cool design! I'm using it now! Thanks a lot for sharing your talent! :)

the corpse said...

Hello, I really like this template, it is very beautiful. I was wondering if you could tell me how you got the "splash" effect on photoshop (um, that is the software you used, right?). I would like to try it out for myself, although my knowledge of the photoshop software is near negligible. I would really appreciate the help. Please let me know. Thank you. =)

Lori Clark said...

I would like to use this template, but I can't get it to work right, I get part of it, but not all, I don't know if it has something to do with the zip files, can you email it to me, or tell me what to do, my email is I'm still new at the blog thing, I've only been up and running for a few months.

mprsvcncpts™ said...

where is the HTML File?????

Jenny said...

I am close here, but after I uploaded the 3 images to photobucket, I get stuck. If you have any suggestions, ot next steps, please advise!!! Thanks,

EECC Kudus said...

thanks 4 all

EECC Kudus said...

good tamplate
thanks yeee.....

william said...

hey.. i couldnt find the zip file for the template source :-(,,i really want this template..

can you please mail it to me to,,thx

phani potluri said...

really disappointing as i am not able to load it in my page. :(

im doin everything that u said and still i get an error
Please correct the error below, and submit your template again.
Your template could not be parsed as it is not well-formed. Please make sure all XML elements are closed properly.
XML error message: The content of elements must consist of well-formed character data or markup.

what do i do :(
please help!

i am in love with this template i need it on my page...
pleas help!!!

Lauren Yvonne Carney said...

I work in the random movements of ink so this is very appropriate, thanks! It's Beautifull!

bdkoala said...

I've decided to change my blog's theme. Then I noticed this lovely template of you! But unfortunately I have the same problem too...

It says:
Please correct the error below, and submit your template again.
Your template could not be parsed as it is not well-formed. Please make sure all XML elements are closed properly.
XML error message: The content of elements must consist of well-formed character data or markup.

I couldn't reach your answers,
can you help me please?

my e-mail:

thanx a lot !

lady said...

please give me the code! i need it very much!! thi is for my homework!!

Angelclaw said...

what is the Fcking Xml Code :(????

nayade said...

hi! sorry I would love to have this template but I don't find the code, in the folder there are three images and one text document that is not able to be uploaded to the html page of blogger. I am trying this with a mac, could you please tell me what to do?

Thanks a lot in advance!

Simon Devlin said...

Brilliant - finally some blog templates that actuall work! Many thanks.

Jenny said...

I am trying to use this template but I keep getting an error can you send me the code please? thank you, love this template :O)

Lea said...

Non-blogger here--yet--but I came upon your templates and thought it's great that you've such a big heart for allowing free access to your wonderful creations. Kudos!

astrologer said...

I am unable to download the template on whole first i downloaded the template then in header section the header photo, what about the boarders how to get those images uploaded, please help... or if possible mail me

Unknown said...

Love this template but wish it had more sidebar columns.

zrestha said...

this is cool..
but it show error for me


how to sove tis?
Any1 plz help me

athenaaa said...

i'll use this too
thanks :)

Miss Zane said...

I can't put it on, the codes doesn't work, it said the pics isn't linked properly. All I got is pink background and blank squares for the pics..
Pls hellp, i love this template so much, i keep trying and coming back here after a month :(

thanks!! ^^

iCandy said...

Hi Love your work and thank you for sharing. Can you tell me, when i upload the images, how do i get the bg adn header positioned in the middle, as they are now very much to the left hand side with a large pink area to the right? thanks icandy ireland !!

Siti Shahariah said...

Love it...looks cool on my blog :)

- said...

i did exactly what you said during the tutorial, but the text is shifted over to the left. it's not in the center of the page, within the template image. how do i fix that?
take a look at my blogspot to see what i mean

Pritpal Singh said...

How we can add advertisement in this tempelate??

Please help me..!

and ya..the tempelate is cool..!

Please tell..! i wanna use my blog..

HanaKimi said...

omg..this so cute!!, wanna used this template(^^), can i?

Penny Wong said...

i love this...can i use it too?

Priscilla said...

me too..i want to use this template too...can i??

Del Glamiva said...

Your template could not be parsed as it is not well-formed. Please make sure all XML elements are closed properly.
XML error message: Content is not allowed in prolog.

Problem here!

FinalDestiny said...

fckin great :X::X:X I love itttt

Devil of Lahore said...

hellow all... i m new in here any one who can teach me basic things of blog..i m trying for my own blog @ any body can help me please contact me (mostly used)

Dare said...

Pb with XML? I can't use your template... :(

dreamer said...

hi! I loved this... until I downloaded it into my site. I followed each of the steps, checking as I went (in preview) so I could see each step completed successfully. However, the header was the correct width and placement but the body was not as wide as the header, it's looked all screwed up.

Please let me know what to adjust.

●๋•ừńńí kŕíکhńá●๋• said...

the templets were suprb !!

nice job!

n thanks for sharing

Nadia.Is.Cute said...

hi. i like this but am having a problem uploading it, being my first time doing and it ends up looking not like what it's supposed to be.

can you help me?


Nadia.Is.Cute said...

i've put on splash that has gone haywire on my page. i just don't know how to do it and i've tried following your guideline but i must be very IT blind since i still can't do it.

please have a looksy? thanks.

Carrie said...

I have a question. I have tried to change the template... Actually it works with a minor problem...

The background seems doesnt fit with my blog. Why is that happen? What is the latest version of blogger and the normal one?

Unknown said...

Hi ,
I like these template but i am unable to use it .I follow all your instruction but at last i saw my blog white . can you help me please.

Mena said...

Hi! I just fell in love with this template, but I can't get it to work. I do everything exactly as it is explained, and for some reason, when I go see how it turned out, all I can see is the pink background. The photos don't load, or they're not there. I have no idea what I'm doing wrong. Could you help me??


karina umma said...


pviron said...

cool template... dl-ed it for future use. :)

samurai@teraflare said...

hi,i like your templates very much.
it's just special. but i wanna change the background of my own blog. but i just dunno how. can u help me pls?

kechik said...

so cute!!!!! could u please send me the code... my email..


JD said...

I love your site and I am want to create y own templates as well what software did you use?

Goodness N Graces said...

This is absolutely beautiful but I got an error message which said it did not parse. How do I fix it because I'm a novice at this stuff? Beautful work you do, btw, and I want this template!

Goodness N Graces said...

This is absolutely beautiful but I got an error message which said it did not parse. How do I fix it because I'm a novice at this stuff? Beautful work you do, btw, and I want this template!

M Ahmed said...

You have done a marvelous job! I am really inspired with your work.

Divi-Daresavio said...

awesome layout...can i get the code ?

♫Susian AJ♫ said...

can i get the code ?

didi said...

I love this one.

Thanks ! i'd like it

maaduu said...

I want to have it....pls give me the code!

sfollicolatamente said...

This looks fab! But I am having trouble with the formatting - I applied the template to my blog and my posts' text is 'spilling out' of the frame, into the pink column on the left...if that makes any sense...HELP??

Anonymous said...'s so beautiful..
can i have it too..
can u sent to my email
thanks a lot..:)

kudin72 said...

can i get the code ??

Blogger Templates said...

Your favorite Splash template is now available in a 3 column layout, check it out

Blogger Templates said...

Hey, the long over due fix for the layout problem in the popular Splash template is finally in place. It now displays perfectly for all screen sizes.

Blogger Templates said...

Splash template now available in 4 column layout

NewbieXpose said...

very nice template.. i'll try it thanks for share

Mexataurus said...

how to put this template at blog?? =.='

Anonymous said...

Nice collections of templates....